Creating a Winning Mindset – Principle #2 –Believe In Yourself
How do you view yourself?
On a daily basis, I talk to many people who just don’t believe that they can do it. They just dont believe that they can have that which they so badly desire.
Why is this?
It is because they have a poor self image.
You have to believe in YOU! If you don’t then why should anyone else believe in you?
As we go through life, we face different situations and problems that make us doubt ourselves. Sometimes we get really down and out, and things just don’t go our way.
The past is the past. I want to tell you that you are a winner! You have been made with a purpose, and you can do this! You have to be optimistic about yourself, you have to believe in your dreams, and you have to believe that you are going to achieve those things.
Gravity is a law that when understood, respected and cooperated with, serves our purposes. If a person violates and dismisses the law of gravity, and crosses it’s known boundaries, there are consequences.The same holds true for the spiritual laws of the kingdom of God.  By respecting the spiritual laws mentioned in this article and keeping of them you will live a prosperous life.
Do you know what Law is the most powerful for you to create a winning mindset and experience true success?
Well, check it out…
A good friend of mine wrote a great article in where he exposes this Powerful Law!
Just click on the link below to check out this Powerful Law:The Key Spiritual Law for Christian Success As always, I love to hear your feedback. What do you think is the most Powerful Law?
Your Transformation Coach
Coach JC