On December 19th I made a blog post about Dreaming Big! I had some great feedback in regard to people making decisions to awaken old dreams, to think big, and to act even bigger.
I asked a great friend of mine Clay Clark to add to this post.
This is a guy that I went to college with and I watched him as he built a million dollar company from his dorm room. Why am I telling you this? Because I remember the days when he had nothing but a dream. A dream to have the most successful DJ service in the world. Well, guess what? You go it! DJ CONNECTION, Clay’s DJ business that he started in the dorm room is now one of the largest, most successful DJ company’s in the Nation. So if you need a DJ, now you know where to go..
Yes, he put alot of hard work in but do not forget it all started with a dream.
Check out this article that Clay wrote,
I know that you will enjoy it!
Your Transformation Coach
Coach JC
Coach JC is a Life coach in Tulsa and does life coaching in Tulsa through motivational speaking, small group coaching and one on one coaching in Tulsa OK. Coach JC has been able to reach a large audience and is known as a motivational speaker in Tulsa. His Bootcamp Tulsa Outdoor Fitness Program has been transforming lives. The Tulsa Boot camp now has locations in Owasso, Jenks, South Tulsa, Midtown and Broken Arrow. Jonathan Conneely is dedicated to transforming lives through his latest book The Secret To REAL Weight Loss Success.