Coach JC here and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I got alot of great feedback in regard to my last blog post The Take Action Factor…
If you didn’t get a chance to check it out you need to! I talked about a key factor that all successful people possess. (You really should go back and read or re-read ALL of my earlier blog posts…I’m just sayin!)
Some of you enjoyed the blog post and expressed how bad you want to take action but sometimes just don’t know where to start.
So, today I am going to provide you with a starting point so that you can chase your dreams and reach your goals once and for all!
Your starting point is called CHASING YOUR DREAMS!
You want to win in life start to CHASE YOUR DREAMS by setting goals and start today! The power of goal setting has transformed my own life and the life of many of my clients.
I have a little different approach to goal setting than others and use a very simple but effect approach with my life coaching clients in Tulsa .
You should see the success our athletes have at Dynamic Sports Development by applying this key principle!
Everywhere you turn you can find helpful resources on setting goals…. but SETTING GOALS IS NOT ENOUGH!
Lets take it back to when I was 21….
I was going through a tragedy that at the time seemed unbearable. I was experiencing every kind of emotion possible ….and there were times when I didn’t even think I was going to make it.
I just wanted to give up and HAD NO IDEA what my life was all about. I was desperate and searching for the answer. BUT DEEPÂ DOWN I KNEW THAT SOMEWHERE THERE HAD TO BE AN ANSWER….
AND the more I searched the more I Â began to discover THAT THE ANSWERS THAT I WAS LOOKING FOR WERE WITHIN MYSELF…
The way I looked at my life and the world around me! I REALIZED that with a shift in MY THINKING …I COULD change my ENTIRE WORLD! After searching and searching I found myself living by a set of principles…EASY TO FOLLOW and POWERFULLY LIFE ALTERING and this was the birth of the “MINDSET PRINCIPLE SYSTEM” that I live by and use successfully with many of my Bootcamp Tulsa and life coaching clients today.
You see, it was at this time that I started to get a hold of all these resources on how to set goals.
You should of saw me! I had posted papers all over the walls of my room with this great stuff.
and then I realized…
Everyone tells you how to set goals but what about how to reach those goals?
So today I want to provide you with my simple but effected strategy on how to not only set YOUR goals but to chase your DREAMS.
Here is YOUR DREAM Chasing Gameplan!
-You can and should do this with all areas of your life. Your health, Your Finances, Your Spiritual, Your mental, Your Personal, Your Relationships, etc…
-You should also have one for your LIFE-The big picture! Here is the gameplan, you just fill in the area you want to address.
*VERY IMPORTANT– Don’t try to get it so perfect..this is to give you something to start. You are going to refine it and add to it as you go!
My Dreams For My-(fill in desired area from above)
You MUST be specific and as vivid as possible. You also need to include a timeline.
How Bad I Want It-
This is the price you are willing to pay to make your dreams a reality. What is that price?
Plan To Start–
This is your gameplan to get started. What are you going to do to get started and when are you going to get started.
Action Step–
This is one simple, daily task that you will do. One thing that you will be disciplined each day to do to get you to your dreams. What ONE, SIMPLE, SINGLE, EASY TO DO activity can and will YOU do day in and day out that will have the greatest return on your investment on you reaching that dream.
Example for health: I will commit 15 min a day to exercise in my garage at 6:30am and will utilize Coach JC’s program from his book. If you have not got your 27 Day Transformation Gameplan, get it today!
There it is! Your gamplan to not only set goals but to reach those goals once and for all so that you can fulfill those dreams.
I have done this multiple times over the last few years and have seen clients transform their entire life just by utilizing this simple strategy.
For it to work effectively you must execute each of the 4 steps to the fullest.
As always, I love to hear from you!
Make sure to leave me a comment right here on the blog with any questions or what you think about goal setting.
Keep It Simple!
Have Fun!
and Remember,
Your Life Is What You Make It!
Your Lifestyle Transformation Coach,
Coach JC
Coach JC is a Life coach in Tulsa and does life coaching in Tulsa through motivational speaking, small group coaching and one on one coaching in Tulsa OK. Coach JC has been able to reach a large audience and is known as a motivational speaker in Tulsa. His Bootcamp Tulsa Outdoor Fitness Program has been transforming lives. The Tulsa Boot camp now has locations in Owasso, Jenks, South Tulsa, Midtown and Broken Arrow. Jonathan Conneely is dedicated to transforming lives through his latest book The Secret To REAL Weight Loss Success.
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