Coach JC’s Top 3 Safety Tips to Prepare for the Oklahoma Heat Wave!
Heat-related illness such as dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke should be taken very serious in the upcoming Oklahoma hot weather. Most serious heat illnesses can be prevented. As an athlete I want to provide you with some valuable information so that you and your kids can stay safe while working, training and even playing outside. You can still reach your fitness related goals during these hot summer months, you just need to be smart.
We hear it every year during the summer months. Coach JC it’s just too hot to exercise!
We see it every year during the summer months. People not reaching their fitness related goals. Why? too hot to exercise!
There is no reason why the heat should stop you from reaching your fitness related goals. We just want for you to work right first, then hard…that is smart!
Coach JC’ s Top 3 ways to prepare you for the beautiful Oklahoma heat wave!
- Get Ready! Prevention is a lot less costly than rehabilitation! Get ready now for the hot weather that will be coming. Spend some time outside starting today to help acclimate your body to the heat. Just a few minutes outside each day in the heat and your body will start to react to the heat and your body will learn to handle the hot Oklahoma sun. It typically takes 10 to 14 days for a person’s body to acclimate so that is why I want for you to start today. Don’t push yourself too hard… Just try spending about 10-20 minutes each day feel free to take some breaks in the shade or in the AC. Get Acclimated starting today and don’t forget that good old sunscreen!
- Stay Hydrated! Drinking water is the best thing you can do for your body. In the extreme heat your body requires even more water. I want for you to start drinking water early in the day. Don’t wait until you are thirsty. I recommend drinking two glasses the first thing when you wake up. A lot of times the heat will make you not feel thirsty..don’t let this fool you! Be careful with too much alcohol as it will dehydrate you and too much caffeine will actually pull your liquid out since it is a natural diuretic. How much water? I’m glad you asked! A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight, divide it into half and that is the minimum amount of water you should be getting in ounces a day. Water is important but don’t forget about your electrolytes. When you sweat you deplete your electrolytes and those need to be replenished. Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium… Get those electrolytes.
- Be Smart! No one knows your body better than you do! Make sure not to avoid the common warning signs of overheating. There are warning signs and symptoms to overheating. Your goal is to notice the warning signs and not allow it to progress to the symptoms! A lot of times people ignore the warning signs and are then dealing with the symptoms which can be life-threatening. It is all about getting your body to adjust to the weather and staying hydrated but even then the heat can still get to you. There are a few signs that the heat is getting to you- thirst, headaches, fatigue and weakness, severe sweating and muscle cramps are just a few. If you stop sweating, faint or feel nausea you are really in danger of dehydration. Monitor your urination…if you are not urinating as often, that is a sign that you are not getting enough fluids and could be dehydrated.
So my advice is very simple…Be Smart and Stay hydrated!
Coach JC
About the author:
Coach JC is a Life coach in Tulsa and does life coaching in Tulsa through motivational speaking, small group coaching and one on one coaching in Tulsa OK. Coach JC has been able to reach a large audience and is known as a motivational speaker in Tulsa. His Bootcamp Tulsa Outdoor Fitness Program has been transforming lives. The Tulsa Boot camp now has locations in Owasso, Jenks, South Tulsa, Midtown and Broken Arrow. Jonathan Conneely is dedicated to transforming lives through his latest book The Secret To REAL Weight Loss Success.
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