Tammy Houghton is 51 years old and is owner/operator of Purse-a-nality (woman’s purse store and boutique at 81st and Memorial). She started Bootcamp Tulsa the second week of the Change a Life Challenge in September 2016. She was trying to help her friend Traci Beers win the competition.
Tammy’s favorite thing about BcT is Coach JC’s positive energy and warmth and caring for all of us. She says, “He treats all of us like we are his best friend and gives us access to him 24/7! You are not going to get that anywhere else.”
The ripple effect BcT has had on Tammy’s day is what keeps her coming back. She explains, “Every day I get out of bed and head to workout. I know my day is going to be 100 times better!! After the workout the rest of the day is just the ‘Icing on the cake!’ I feel like I accomplished something great!! My family admires my dedication! I am proud of it.”
Sleeping has been the biggest side affect of Bootcamp at 5:15 am. Tammy has been getting in bed earlier and has now gotten her body on a set schedule. She adds, “I haven’t slept peacefully in 15 years. The result of a good nights sleep has contributed to general well being. Have a ton more energy!”
Tammy’s life has dramatically changed in the last three months. She starts her day a lot happier and goal oriented. She adds, “I am feeling good about myself again and really feel part of a community that really cares about me and winning in life. I am paying attention to what I am eating and how important it is to not diet but understand if meal is compliant or not!”
Tammy says she hates to run but can now keep up with everyone and even bought her first new tennis shoes in three years. She is planning on running a half-marathon in April (says she will be fast walking!) Tammy shares, “I am meal planning and enjoy going to the grocery store for the first time ever. I am engaging a lot more with my customers due to the example I am shown in the morning. I am part of a group for the first time in a long time.. as I tend to be a Lone Ranger. My stomach is going down. Have always felt bloated! “
Tammy’s advice:
“That coming for a workout has nothing to do with what Bootcamp Tulsa is about! It is way more than a workout! That is a nice thing to do on a regular basis; however, the community of people and relationships is the Goldmine! My life has taken a new direction because I said I would try! It really will never be the same!”
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