“What you Sow You Reap!”
I put together a WINNING WORD OF THE DAY so you can WIN. The word for today is “What you sow you reap”..
What you Sow…You Reap!!
What you put in is what you get out.
What are you desperately desiring to reap?
> What are you not getting that you feel you want?
> What are you not getting that you feel you deserve?
> What is your big goal?
> What is your big dream?
> What is your ambition?
> What is your expectation?
Do your daily actions line up with what you say you want?
Sow your seed every single day to reap a harvest in your life.
These words are biblical and universal law.
Are you really sowing a seed so that you can get what you want?
Who Loves Ya?!
I Do!