Christine Reed says Strong Women allowed her to find her strengths and destroy her limitations.

Jul 6, 2016 | #Blog, #Fitness, #Homepage

Christine Reed prior to Strong Women had not lifted weights for about two years. Her workout results fluctuated quite a bit because she never struck with a workout. She would go to the gym for a month and then stop going for several months. She says, “I had never gotten the result that I wanted.”

The changes Christine has begun to notice in herself are amazing. Physically, she is down 16 pounds and has lost a total of 7 inches though out her body. She adds, “Mentally, I have been able to overcome many obstacles. I don’t talk down to myself anymore, and I am so much happier with who I am. I no longer look at something and say “I can’t do that”. Strong Women has brought me an immeasurable amount of confidence in myself. Spiritually, I have grown in ways I did not know were possible. These coaches and women that I have the privilege of knowing and working out with are warriors of God. They have encouraged me in my walk with God and because of each and every one of them I am stronger in my faith then I have ever been.”

Christine finds that Bootcamp is so much fun. She loves being able to workout in a no-judgment atmosphere. Everyone is so encouraging and genuinely wants to see you succeed. Bootcamp is great and she was already seeing results in her body before she began Strong Women. She says, “Strong Women has made my results skyrocket! By adding Strong Women to my schedule I am working out 5-6 times per week and building muscle. Strong Women has allowed me to discover my strength and destroy what I thought were my limitations. I have muscles I didn’t even know existed popping out on my body. It is an amazing feeling to look in the mirror and see the result of your hard work.”

As for how Strong Women has made a difference in Christine’s life, she says, “Strong Women has brought me so much joy. I no longer dread going to the gym. I look forward to it! The coaches are amazing. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone so invested in what they do. They are passionate about helping people start a healthy lifestyle, and they care about every single person who steps into Dynamic Sports Development. The biggest difference Strong Women has made in my life is my confidence. When I began Strong Women I was pretty quiet and I mostly kept to myself, but in the 4 short months I have been in this program I feel like a completely different person. I am happier and stronger than ever!”

If you are considering joining Strong Women, Christine’s advise to you: “DO IT! Strong Women is not just a weight lifting program, it is a Family. These women are the most amazing people I have met. They have become my sisters. They will encourage you. They will pray with you. They will cry with you. They will laugh with you. They will be your helping hand when you need it. My heart is so full of love for these coaches and women. They have changed my life and I am so thankful that God lead me to Strong Women and BCT!

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