When you know God you have everything you need and already won!”
That is a comment made on a post I made about how “God what’s you to WIN”.Maybe that’s a limiting belief holding you back from WINNING!
That God doesn’t want you to WIN!
Or like many Christians have adopted the philosophy to believe that winning isn’t ok!
Or that WINNING is not biblical.
This is not turning into a Bible lesson and your interpretation might be different than mine but from the Bible that I read and the God that I serve, He wants us to WIN!.Many Christians sit in church on Sunday, once a week and get inspired, motivated and encouraged then Monday – Saturday are losing in life!
I see way to many Christians losing in life!.No PURPOSE!No PASSION!Losing in their health!Losing in their relationships!Losing financially!
As a Christian what is your PURPOSE?.Do you not believe YOU ARE CALLED?
YOU are responsible for the CALLING on your life!
That calling from God!.God has created you to WIN!
What about you WINNING to be a witness…
So others want what you have and it draws them closer to God!
Let me challenge you in this….Let’s flip the script….Did you ever think that you losing…
No self control over your body!
Broke and struggling financially! No purpose! No passion! Just existing and not LIVING the abundant life…
Maybe is keeping you from being a witness and bringing people to God?