Betty McConkey is 64 years old (65 in December) and is Volunteer Coordinator for Rick Renner Ministries. She has been a part of Bootcamp Tulsa for 3 years last July. Betty has never been one to stick to any diet or exercise program so to be with BcT for three years...
Gina Taylor went from a size 18 to a size 7 at BcT!
Gina found that BcT gears your workout to where you are. Do you want to WIN more in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life? Who Loves Ya? I Do! WIN ALL DAY! Coach JC If you enjoyed this post, we would be honored if you share this goodness with some of your friends and...
Chicken Zucchini Casserole Enchiladas
Today we have a WINNING recipe for you so that you can WIN in your nutrition and WIN in life! Today’s WINNING recipe to meet Coach JC’s 10 WINNING Habits is Chicken Zucchini Casserole Enchiladas. Where is my lean protein? Where are my veggies? Ingredients: Enchilada...
5 Minute Blast with Coach JC
It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life > Today's 5 Minute Blast: 5 Minutes - 5 exercises - 1 minute each 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Mountain Climbers 3. Burpee 4. Squats 5. Pushups Goal: Max reps in...
Lexie Beyer former college basketball player fell in love with BcT!
Lexie Beyer says at Bootcamp Tulsa she pushes herself.....The girls are pushing her.....Her coach is pushing her! Do you want to WIN more in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life? Who Loves Ya? I Do! WIN ALL DAY! Coach JC If...
Heather Knotts came to BcT suffering emotionally and withdrawing!
Heather had just had a baby and was having difficulty dealing with everything before she came to Bootcamp Tulsa. Do you want to WIN more in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life? Who Loves Ya? I Do! WIN ALL DAY! Coach JC If you...