Natalie Iannazzo won the Bridal Challenge!

Natalie Iannazzo won the Bridal Challenge!

Natalie Iannazzo is a 25 year-old registered dietitian and works back and forth between St. Francis Hospital and Hillcrest Medical Center. She has been a part of Bootcamp Tulsa since August. Natalie joined during the bridal challenge, and she says, “Somehow my unlucky...

Kylee Sigcha says give Bootcamp a try!

Kylee Sigcha says give Bootcamp a try!

KYLEE SIGCHA lost 15 pounds and 16 inches in her first 8 weeks at Bootcamp Tulsa! Do you want to WIN more in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life? Who Loves Ya? I Do! WIN ALL DAY! Coach JC If you enjoyed this post, I would be...

Tuna Avocado Egg Salad

Tuna Avocado Egg Salad

Here is a light lunch to try today: Ingredients: 1 (5 ounces) can tuna packed in water, drained and shredded with a fork 2 large hard-boiled eggs, chopped 2 hard-boiled egg whites, chopped 2 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon paprika...

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life Today's 5 Minute Blast: 5 Minutes - 2 Exercises - Ladder 20-15-10-5 1. 20 Pushups 2. 20 Body Weight...

Southwest Black Bean Salad

Southwest Black Bean Salad

This salad is low in saturated fat and loaded with antioxidants and makes a great side dish, dip or topping. Ingredients: 15.5 can black beans, rinsed and drained 9 oz. cooked corn, fresh or frozen (thawed if frozen) 1 medium tomato, chopped 1/3 cup red onion, chopped...

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life Today's 5 Minute Blast: 5 Minutes - 3 Exercises 1. 20 (each side) Cross Over Mountain Climbers 2. 20 (each...

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