5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIWpXApF2DQ#t=443 Today's 5 Min Blast: 5 Minutes - 5 Exercises - 60 seconds each 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Mountain Climbers 3....

Zucchini and Carrot “Fries”

Zucchini and Carrot “Fries”

How about trying Zucchini or Carrot Fries for your next side dish? Ingredients: Zucchini (cut into 3-inch sticks) Carrots (cut into 3-inch sticks) Olive Oil Salt and Pepper (Could use other spices as well: paprika, cumin, cayenne, crushed red peppers, thyme, rosemary,...

5 minute Blast with Coach JC

5 minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=85114404&x-yt-ts=1422579428&v=oXwYG1SeJ6M Today's 5 Min Blast: 5 Minutes - 100 Reps 1. Push Ups -- Complete your...

Chicken and Avocado Soup

Avocados, chicken, scallions and cilantro in a light broth with a touch of lime. If you are an avocado lover, you'll love this soup. This is easy to prepare, just have all your ingredients diced and chopped before you start. If you don't have shredded chicken, you can...

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421914688&x-yt-cl=84503534&v=RRz4REtHevs Today's 5 Min Blast: 5 Minutes - 3 Exercises - Tibata (20 seconds on...10...

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