Pancakes Anyone?

Pancakes Anyone?

So who doesn't LOVE pancakes? Out at our house we love them, so I have been on a mission to find a recipe that tastes good and is good for us at the same time. Most all of those boxed ones are full of junk that our bodies definitely don't need. So here is one that I...

Let’s HONOR Tulsa Moms!

Let’s HONOR Tulsa Moms!

The month of May out at Bootcamp Tulsa is ALL about the Moms! JC We want to celebrate all the moms with our Bootcamp Tulsa special mother's day workout! jc WHERE: Whole Foods at 91st & Yale in the parking lot WHAT: A FREE bootcamp workout to honor all Tulsa...

SMILE and Shut The Heck Up!

SMILE and Shut The Heck Up!

SMILE and Shut the heck up... "At the end of the night you lay your head on the pillow and you ask yourself one simple question... Did I win or did I lose?!" Tomorrow is never promised, today is your day! If you're a fan of the Rocky movies you've gotta be thinking...

Holy Moly, Who Loves Guacamole?

Holy Moly, Who Loves Guacamole?

Don’t you love this time of year? I know I do! You know, when everything starts to bloom, fruits and veggies are at their best tasting time, and man it’s just great to see the sun almost every day. I LOVE Mexican food. Coach JC... Not so much! He makes those date...

15 Minute Meal that Meets Coach JC’s 10 Habits

15 Minute Meal that Meets Coach JC’s 10 Habits

Hey! Well this is a first for me, so here we go at trying this blog thing out. Please bear with me and my growing pains as I learn to “blog” or "HELP PEOPLE WIN" as my husband calls it. We get so many people always asking, "What do you guys eat?" Jodi, "What does...

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