Today we have a WINNING recipe for you so that you can WIN in your nutrition and WIN in life! Today’s WINNING recipe to meet Coach JC’s 10 WINNING Habits is Easy Slow Cooker Shredded Mexican Chicken. Where is my lean protein? Ingredients: 2 pounds chicken breasts 1...
Ginger Ward lost 20 pounds, 25 inches in 6 months!
Ginger Ward is 43 years old and has been a 911 Dispatcher for Tulsa Police and Tulsa Fire for 20 years. She has been a part of Fit First Responders for six months. Ginger’s favorite aspects of FFR are the coaches and the energy, love, and positivity they bring to...
Tracy Thompson was sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Tracy Thompson has lost 50 pounds since coming to BcT. Do you want to WIN more in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life? Who Loves Ya? I Do! WIN ALL DAY! Coach JC If you enjoyed this post, I would be honored if you share this...
Alison Cox says the motivation and familiar faces keep her coming back to BcT!
Alison Cox is 45 years old and is a Mom and Owner at Batteries Plus Bulbs. She has been a part of Bootcamp Tulsa for 8 months. Alison’s favorite aspect of BcT is the coaches and the other ladies. When asked what keeps her coming back, she replied, “ I'm not gonna lie,...
Shawn Caudle says the competition at FFR is Friendly but Serious!
Shawn Caudle is 23 years old and is an Army Guard/Construction (working on getting on at Skiatook or Claremore Police Department.) He has been a part of Fit First Responders for a little over three months. Shawn’s favorite aspect of FFR is that he loves the...
Michelle Bristle had a dark life of depression, anxiety, and grief when she came to BcT!
Michelle Bristle was able to get off her medications and go from an emotionless person to finding the "old" Michelle at Bootcamp Tulsa. Do you want to WIN more in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life? Who Loves Ya? I Do! WIN...
Jill Gwartney felt alone, not loved, and not valued before she came to BcT.
Jill Gwartney was missing out on life until she lost 30 pounds and went from a size 10 to a size 0 and got rid of the rain cloud hovering over her life. Do you want to WIN more in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life? Who...
Kathy Crabtree says coaches at BcT push you and never disappoint!
Kathy Crabtree will turn 55 in June and is a social worker at the Tulsa Health Department. She started Bootcamp Tulsa the last Friday of September 2015. Kathy had a slight detour in her training as she had to have surgery on her right rotator cuff in February of 2016,...
Jeff Whitfield lost 80 pounds and found amazing motivation and support at FFR!
Jeff Whitfield is 41 years old and is a Deputy Sheriff. He has been apart of Fit Fist Responders since October 2016. Jeff’s favorite aspect of FFR: “The whole program works. My favorite part is the motivation and support system in place with the coaches and other...
Slow Cooker Whole Cauliflower
Today we have a WINNING recipe for you so that you can WIN in your nutrition and WIN in life! Today’s WINNING recipe to meet Coach JC’s 10 WINNING Habits is Slow Cooker Whole Cauliflower. Where are my veggies? Ingredients: 1 large whole cauliflower 4 cloves garlic,...