Chopped Green Garden Salad

Chopped Green Garden Salad

This chopped green garden salad is filled with crunchy, antioxidant and nutrient rich green vegetables, green apple, and pepita seeds, and smothered with a creamy avocado and lime dressing. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup of green peas – cooked 1 small head of romaine lettuce –...

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life Today's 5 Minute Blast: 5 Minutes - 2 Exercises 1. 10 Kettle Bell Swings 2. 5 Kettle Bell Snatches Goal:...

Fresh Berries with Maple Cream

Fresh Berries with Maple Cream

Here is a red, white, and blue healthy dessert for Fourth of July! Ingredients: 3/4 cup fat-free sour cream 1/4 cup maple syrup 1 cup fresh blueberries 1 cup fresh raspberries Directions: Combine sour cream and maple syrup in a small bowl; stir with a whisk. Combine...

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life Today's 5 Minute Blast: 5 Minutes - 3 Exercises -- 10 reps each 1. Cross Over Lunge 2. Cross Over Mountain...

Mashed Avocado Egg Salad

Mashed Avocado Egg Salad

This mashed avocado egg salad makes an excellent sandwich for two....the marriage of creamy avocado and mashed eggs is spiced up with zesty lemon and dijon mustard so chances are you won’t miss the mayonnaise! Ingredients: 4 large hard boiled eggs, cooled and peeled...

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

5 Minute Blast with Coach JC

It's time for you to OWN THE MOMENT with your 5 Min. Blast with Coach JC WIN in Your Fitness, Nutrition & Life Today's 5 Minute Blast: 5 Minutes - Tabata Drill -- 20 seconds on -- 10 seconds 0ff 1. Burpee 2. Plyo Push...

Sherry Black rocks 60!

Sherry Black rocks 60!

Sherry Black is 60 years old and retired. She has been going to Bootcamp Tulsa since September. Sherry says, “The coaching is always a surprise with JC and Amanda.” She looks forward to their changing routines and loves the cardio. This is very important to Sherry as...

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